The QueuePro 250 Removable: Your Reliable Permanent Queue Solution

The QueuePro 250 Removable: Your Reliable Permanent Queue Solution

Introducing the QueuePro 250 Magnetic Base Stanchions: Enhancing Queue Management with Efficiency and Convenience

By Justin Jabara - Nov 10, 2023

At Epic Solutions we have an abundance of stanchion options to cater for your specific needs. One innovative option on our QueuePro 250 model is the removable base. This stanchion is ideal for semi-permanent queue set ups where occasional removal of the stanchions is necessary.

Semi-Permanent and Permanent Queues

As well as the ability to remove the stanchions as needed the removable base has several other advantages over traditional portable base models. The first is that being set into the floor the stanchion is very robust with no chance of being dislodged or toppled by crowd pressure. Not only is this an added safety feature it also ensures the stanchions stay in line and do not need to be adjusted to keep the queue layout looking orderly.

Removable Stanchion with single retractable belt
Floor Socket For Removable Stanchion Post
Removable Stanchion with twin retractable belt

Low tripping hazard

In addition to increased stability, the floor socket design offers another advantage by virtually eliminating the tripping hazard posed by the stanchion’s base. This is achieved by eliminating the need for a bulky base, which is replaced with a socker recessed into the floor. This design enhances the safety of your queue, ensuring that elderly individuals and children are at minimal risk of potentially tripping over your stanchion.

Quick and Easy Installation and Removal

Another advantage of the removable stanchion is the ability to easily install and remove the stanchions. This is easy as all you need to do is lift the stanchion up to remove it from the floor socket. This is an easy task as the stanchion post is light weight without the traditional iron base. This allows anyone to quickly remove and relocate the stanchions.

Installation or Removal of Removable Stanchion

Customization Options  

At Epic Solutions, we recognize that the business world doesn't have a one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, it's our mission to provide one of the most extensive selections of options on the market. We offer up to eight different finish choices, including five standard options (Black, Polished Stainless, Satin Stainless, Polished Brass, and Satin Brass), as well as three high-visibility safety options (Yellow, Red, Orange). In addition to these finish choices, we provide over 40 different stock belt colors with various designs and safety messages. With this catalog of options we ensure that there is an option for any space or occasion.  

Stanchion Post Finishes 1
Stanchion Post Finishes 2

Conclusion: Elevating Queue Management

Epic Solutions, recognizes that businesses have unique crowd control demands which is why we offer a wide range of stanchion options to suit your specific needs. The removable base stanchion is a versatile choice for semi-permanent applications and is outstanding in terms of durability and safety. With its innovative floor socket design, these stanchions are robust and offer minimal tripping hazards ensuring the safety of all patrons. Installation and relocation are a breeze thanks to their lightweight structure and easy installation process. Our commitment to customization means you have an extensive range of finish options and belt colors, guaranteeing the perfect stanchion for any environment or event.

Justin Jabara

Justin Jabara

Justin Jabara is an innovative and pioneering business leader who has been a crucial part of Epic Solutions since its formation. With nearly 20 years of experience in crowd control, Justin has extensive knowledge in both the sales and rental industry. His passion lies at the intersection of sales, marketing and technology, which he studied extensively, earning his Bachelor's degree in Sales & Marketing and then a Master's degree in Online Marketing. Additionally, he use to oversee production for the family-owned sewing business that specializes in creating custom barrier covers. Justin's tremendous expertise has made him an invaluable asset to the Epic Solutions team.
Mar 18th 2025

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